Three Home Remedies For Oral Thrush
If you have an immune condition, such as HIV or leukemia, and you develop oral thrush, you should contact your doctor right away since this may be a sign that your immune system is suffering. However, if you are otherwise healthy, and you develop an overgrowth of yeast in your mouth, you can start by trying to treat the condition at home. Here's a look at three home remedies that may help you get rid of the white, coated tongue and cheeks that go along with oral thrush.
Salt water rinses.
If you catch your oral thrush early, you may be able to cure it with simple salt water rinses. The salt will help dry out the yeast that cause thrush, giving your body more of a chance of fighting it off. Simply dissolve a teaspoon of regular table salt in a cup of warm water, give it a stir, and then swish mouthfuls of it around in your mouth. Repeat this treatment after every meal until the thrush is gone.
Gentian violet
This remedy is effective for more severe cases of thrush. Gentian violet is a dye that you should be able to find in a health food store or pharmacy. Look for a 1% solution, as stronger solutions may be harmful to your mouth tissues. Apply the violet stain to a cotton swab, and then paint it all over your mouth, ensuring that you cover any area that is affected by the yeast. The bright purple mixture will stain your mouth, so try to do this on a day when you do not have to be anywhere important. Do not swallow the violet stain. After it has had a minute or two to work, rinse your mouth out with plain water. You can repeat this treatment every couple of days if the first application is not effective.
The potent oils in garlic are said to help kill the yeast that cause thrush. There are several ways to use garlic to treat your thrush. The first is to lightly smash a clove of garlic, and then hold it in your mouth against the affected area. This works best when the thrush is mainly on your cheeks, since the taste can be pretty strong if you hold the garlic on your tongue. Another method is to simply chew a clove of garlic three or four times per day. Try to choose a mild garlic variety, like Applegate or Kettle River Giant, as these will be less offensive in terms of taste.
If your thrush does not disappear within a week or two, contact your dentist. He or she can prescribe a medication to help bring your symptoms under control and may also be able to identify certain lifestyle issues that have made you susceptible to the condition.