Pediatric Dental Myths Parents Should Have Corrected
Meeting the dental needs of a growing child can be a task that new parents will find that they are ill-prepared to do. This is partially the result of ample misinformation being spread about pediatric and family dental care. A new parent will find that having these pieces of misinformation corrected will be an effective way of enhancing their parenting skills.
Myth: Your Child Should Wait Until Their Adult Teeth Develop To Undergo Cosmetic Treatments
There are many potential cosmetic procedures that your child may need to undergo. Often, the need for these procedures can be due to developmental issues or serious injuries. Regardless of the reason for needing the cosmetic treatments, parents will often assume that there is no need to undergo these procedures until the adult teeth have developed. While this may be necessary for some conditions, it will not always be the case. In fact, delaying treating some issues can greatly complicate the possible options. For example, a child may have lost one of their teeth in an accident, and the installation of a spacer can prevent alignment issues for developing.
Myth: A Child Only Needs To Visit A Dentist After Their Teeth Break Through The Gums
Another common assumption is that a child only needs to visit the dentist after their first few teeth break through the gums. Yet, it is a reality that any child can experience serious gum problems as a result of teething and sucking on bottles. Yearly visits to a pediatric or family dentist can allow your child's gums to be inspected for potential disease or disorders. Additionally, these visits will allow a dentist to monitor your child's dental development during this formative stage so that complications can be addressed before they cause serious problems.
Myth: All Water Contains Sufficient Amounts Of Fluoride
Fluoride can be an essential mineral for keeping the teeth strong and healthy. To help prevent a variety of tooth problems, it is common for public water sources to have additional fluoride added to the water. However, parents should not always assume that this will be a sufficient source of dental protection for their children. There are many communities that may not add fluoride to the water and those that get their water delivered or that use a well may not receive enough fluoridated water to provide this benefit. To ensure that your family is enjoying the benefits of fluoride, you should have your water tested, and if there are inadequate amounts of fluoride, you can install a device that will gradually release this mineral into your home's water supply.
For more information, talk to professionals like John S. Lyon DDS