Kate's Fear of TMJ

About Orthodontist's Treatments

An orthodontist is a specialized dental professional with a main focus on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental irregularities. They specialize in correcting issues like misaligned teeth, improper bites, and issues with the jaw. They often treat these types of issues using appliances such as aligners, braces, and other oral corrective devices. You can learn more about some things an orthodontist can help with and do when you read this article. 

Diagnosis and treatment of orthodontic conditions

Orthodontists will examine your teeth and jaw to determine the nature and extent of your related issues. They can also use other equipment to diagnose issues that can't be determined during a physical exam, such as dental X-rays. Based on the discoveries in their exam and any other tests, they will determine the best course of treatment and get you started on that treatment. This may include the removal of a troublesome tooth that's creating crowding, putting braces on your teeth, or another type of treatment. The goal will be for your teeth to be in proper alignment and to improve both the aesthetics and functionality of your mouth. 

Advanced techniques, technologies, and treatments

Sometimes, a patient's case will involve much more than something that can be corrected with appliances or another more noninvasive treatment. For example, someone may come in who has a cleft palate. The orthodontist can use advanced techniques and technology to help with issues such as a narrow top jaw and the crowded and crooked teeth associated with a cleft palate. Oftentimes, the course of treatment involves surgery and/or special appliances they will wear. The orthodontist may work in conjunction with a plastic surgeon in extreme cleft lip and cleft palate cases. 

Improved bite treatment

As mentioned above, the orthodontist can help correct an off bite. This includes overbites, underbites, crossbites, and open bites. These problems affect much more than just someone's appearance. Bite problems can lead to difficulties in speaking, chewing, and one's overall health. Treatment for bite issues can result in the patient speaking well, eating without difficulties, and even having healthier teeth that create fewer problems in the future. 

Speech improvement

There are a lot of dental issues that can affect a person's speech. Along with the dental issues mentioned above, some other examples of issues that can affect speech include missing teeth, crooked teeth, spaced teeth, and more. The orthodontist can treat all these types of issues in a way that helps someone's speech difficulties, so they can speak clearly and correctly. This can be very important for patients who struggle with being understood. It can improve their confidence and also make it easier for them to effectively communicate, which can also improve their professional and social lives.

Contact a local service, such as Blooming Smiles, to learn more. 
