Kate's Fear of TMJ

Reasons Why It Is Wise To Prevent An Infection After Your Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants are the most permanent tooth replacement option that you can consider if you lose a tooth. Dental implants are complete with a root and an artificial tooth and come as close to a natural tooth as possible. This is one of the many benefits of choosing and implant device. However, you will need to go through surgery and the healing process can be long and difficult for some. Your dentist will go through all the important information you need so you can make an educated choice about implantation. During the discussion, you may learn about the many different things that you will need to do to reduce infection risks. It is extremely important to follow aftercare instructions. Keep reading to understand why you need to reduce your infection risks as much as possible.

Infections Can Cause Full Implant Failure

If you take the leap and decide that a dental implant is best for you, then you certainly want your operation to be a success. After all, a great deal of time, money, and physical discomfort will go into the procedure. As your dental implant heals, the root goes through an important process of fusion where the metal bonds to your natural bone tissues. This process requires your body to grow new bone that fits around the edges of the implant root. This is called osseointegration.

If an infection develops before or during the osseointegration process, then swelling can disrupt the process. Swollen tissues place pressure on the jaw and keep bone cells from developing. This can result in incomplete fusion, poor fusion, or the formation of thin bone around the implant. A few things can happen when the bone is not solid and secure around the dental implant. The bone may be too weak to hold the implant root and it can become loose very soon after your operation. Also, you may develop gum infections and future bone loss if poor healing results in an indentation or dip in the bone ridge. The implant can then fail within several years.

Infections Can Spread

If an infection develops and is not controlled immediately, then bacteria can infest the bone tissues around the implant site. Bone infections are extremely serious and can cause death to the bone. Depending on the extent of the infection and your body's reaction to treatment measures, the affected bone may need to be removed from the jaw. Not only does this mean the removal of the implant and the bone near the device, but other teeth may need to be removed. The result is a much worse tooth loss condition than you started with.

If you want treatment afterwards, then bone grafting and multiple implants may be needed. Visit websites like http://www.aperfectsmileinprice.com to learn more.
