Save A Tooth: 3 Clear-Cut Reasons A Tooth Should Be Saved Instead Of Extracted

Whenever feasible, most dentists will prefer to do what they can to save your natural teeth and avoid unnecessary extractions. There are many ways to save a damaged tooth. A cracked tooth may be able to be spiffed up with a bit of dental bonding. A broken tooth may require a crown. A severely decayed tooth may be able to be saved with a root canal and crown placement. Is it worth the trouble of these dental procedures? [Read More]

Can You Get Braces If You Have Dental Implants?

Teeth can continue to shift as you age, so the teeth that were straight when you were a teen are now out of alignment. If you have implants, these will stay in place while the natural teeth around them shift. It's possible to get braces if you have implants. This guide will help you know what to expect. Causes of Shifting You maybe wondering why your previously straight teeth are now crooked. [Read More]

What to Know When Considering a Dental Bridge for Your Missing Tooth

If you have missing teeth, you've probably considered a dental bridge at least once. Dental bridges are a common way to replace missing teeth and return your beautiful smile. Before you schedule an appointment, however, check out these five important facts about dental bridges, so you can make an informed decision. Traditional Dental Bridges Affect the Surrounding Teeth Like a real bridge, dental bridges need supports to hold them in place. [Read More]

You've Just Received A Dental Crown -- Now What?

Visiting your dentist to receive a crown can solve a wide range of issues, from covering a tooth that has a substantial filling to improving the appearance of your smile. Although you might feel a little apprehensive in the days leading up to the procedure, you'll likely breathe a sigh of relief once you leave the dentist's office with your new crown in place. It's important to know exactly what to anticipate in the hours and days ahead, as well as how you should care for your new crown. [Read More]