Pediatric Dental Myths Parents Should Have Corrected

Meeting the dental needs of a growing child can be a task that new parents will find that they are ill-prepared to do. This is partially the result of ample misinformation being spread about pediatric and family dental care. A new parent will find that having these pieces of misinformation corrected will be an effective way of enhancing their parenting skills. Myth: Your Child Should Wait Until Their Adult Teeth Develop To Undergo Cosmetic Treatments [Read More]

How To Temporarily Reattach Your Dental Crown

Dental crowns do a great job of protecting damaged teeth, but that doesn't mean that they're invulnerable. If your dental crown has popped off, it's imperative that you try and reattach it as quickly as possible to protect your tooth. After you call a dentist to be seen as quickly as possible, follow these steps to keep your tooth safe while you wait. Clean First off, you'll need to clean the crown thoroughly and gently clean the tooth, as well. [Read More]

How To Keep Shallow Gums Clean After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Getting your wisdom teeth taken out means you have to take special steps in order to care for your oral health following surgery. Stopping any bleeding, keeping your mouth clean, and preventing blood clots from breaking while your gums are still healing are some of these necessary steps. However, one common nuisance people experience with their wisdom teeth extraction sites after the gums have finished healing is shallow gums. Small pockets or dips in the gums can fill with debris and food and be a nuisance to clean. [Read More]

3 Tips For Maintaining Your Porcelain Veneers

Getting porcelain veneers can be a wonderful thing. Veneers give you a beautiful smile that you can be proud of. However, just as with regular teeth, you have to make sure that you take good care of your veneers. This article is going to discuss 3 tips for maintaining your porcelain veneers.  Use An Electric Toothbrush  One great way to ensure that your veneers are able to stay in the best condition possible is so to use an electric toothbrush to clean them. [Read More]